There is a play in London called "Aunt Edwina", it invol- ves a complicated plot in which a tough fox-hunting colo- nel and his wife go to America and on their return the colonel is found to have changed sex and is now "Aunt Ed- wina". A visiting American Senator falls in love with Aunty and the plot thickens. Finally the mother changes into a man, just to keep things even I guess.
The play was written by William Douglas Home, a noted playwright. It stirred up a storm of criticism, was to be closed till Home took the matter to court and won. He then carried the costs personally for some weeks. Dont know what the outcome was, but its interesting that this theme should be used by a famous playwright.
Speaking of England, TVs will probably enjoy the picture on page 27 of the June issue of TIME showing Princess Mar- garet's new husband in a multiple picture of himself as husband, wife and little boy. What with this and the fam- ous picture of the Prince of Wales "en femme" one wonders if TVism may not have some royal sanction as it were!
The April issue of GLANCE had an article about an Austra- lian sex-change that was rather interesting. June SEXOL- OGY has an article about a Male Call Girl and also an in- teresting one about Chromosomal Sex vs. Anatomical Sex.
Watch the papers and the movie mags. for pics of no less than Bing Crosby all frilled and flounced up. They are making a picture to be called "High Time" at Fresno State College and La Belle Crosby gets into a college dance in wig, skirts and the works. Why should it happen to him??
In this connection it is interesting to note that "Some Like It Hot" is among the all time high money pictures. Now maybe we are biased, but it rather seems that with that much interest in a movie based on cross-dressing that there is much more potential interest in the subject than is commonly believed. We'll admit the movie was a darn good comedy, but there have been a raft of other comedies